What are preserved pensions?

Preserved pensions are often called frozen pensions although “Deferred” or “Paid Up” are the correct terms. A Deferred Pension refers either to a Personal Pension Fund that has been built up to a certain level and contributions stopped, or an Occupational Pension Scheme that you no longer belong to. The fund however, will remain invested and will benefit from any growth that is achieved.

The amount of growth you'll see depends entirely on the package you're signed up to. Once we know who your pension pot is with, the value it’s standing at and your objectives, we’ll be able to start researching the best product for you.  

At Affinity we can review your pension planning provision and after researching the market for you, be able to advise you on how best to address both of these areas.


What happens if I’ve left my pension scheme?

No matter where your scheme is, you have the right to move it to another pensions scheme that suits you better. We always recommend comparing products and if you can earn more money elsewhere, we'll help you move set everything up.

How much is my preserved pension worth?

You should have a general idea how much is in your pension pot from your statements. However if you think you might be in more than one scheme then get in touch and we can help you pull everything together.

What are the benefits of a preserved pension?

The main benefit is that contributions into your preserved pension scheme is based on your salary, meaning they will increase every year by the retail price index or the consumer price index.

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